Aperture, Shutter Speed and ISO


                                       The wider the aperture, the less depth of field there is.

Fast shutter

Slow shutter

1a.  1/125
b.   1/125
c.   1/200
d.  1/200
e.  1/125
f. 1/200

a.  1/60
b. 1/60
c. 1/80
d. 1/80

2. Aperture priority; where you set the aperture and the camera automatically sets the aperture
    Shutter priority; you set the shutter and the camera automatically sets the shutter speed
    Manual; where you set both the aperture and the shutter speed

1. Brighter image
2. use when there is plenty of light
3. use when there is not enough light

Aperture -  2.8-22
Shutter Speed - 1 second-1/4000 of a second
ISO - 100-25600


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